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 Feedback 2013


Just wanted to let you know that I passed my MPJE minnesota first time with the help of your study material. Thanks
M Z, Minnetonka MN


Hi Colin, The MPJE kicked my butt however, I passed with a scaled score of 83. Man, that thing was hard. Had no clue if I'd passed it when I walked out of that testing room. Thanks for the help,
E F, Sarasota, FL


Passed Alabama MPJE. Thanks for the study material - it really helped!
M R, Madison, AL


Passed first time [MPJE-AZ] with 84. Studied just like you said. Skimmed Arizona law once. Thanks for your material. It was worth it!!! Sent from my iPhone
S M, Bellingham WA


My husband works 4 ten hour days in South Dakota now. So I am passing on the good news for us all. He passed with a 90. Thanks for all your help. Amy, RPh -----(John's wife)
J L, Broadus, MT MT


I took the TX MPJE on Friday, November 15. My score was posted today. I PASSED with a score of 86. Thank you so much for your help.
J C, Dallas, T TX


Hi ProntoPass....I passed! Thanks for the help with the Colorado State Pharmacy Law Exam.....Sincerely, B F
B F, Las Vegas, NV


Just a short note to let you know that I passed the CT Law exam, and now since I can not seem to find the right fit I am going to take the MA Law and I will let you know how that one goes. thanks
D M, Manchester, CT
Editors Note: Love return customers! 


Hello, I passed NAPLEX with a 94!!! I'm going to call you tomorrow to personally thank you! Denisa
D H, Xavier University of LA 


lol, usps is slow... I took the exam Tuesday and passed... KY has some crazy questions too... Scored an 83... Thanks!!!
J M, Beckley, WV


Thanks, I used your study material for NAPLEX, which helped me a lot and I passed it. Thanks for a good study material. Could you please email me the tracking number for MPJE material? Regards,
Editors Note: We think satisfied return customers are our best advertising. 


Dear Colin, Good news! I'm happy to report that I passed my MPJE-Indiana with a 78!! Thank you for the study materials!!
J A, Douglasville, GA
Editors Note: Not a great score but it was a quick study and a pass. Would have preferred 80's like most students....but congratulations! (I hope Jennifer likes the change from GA weather to IN weather.


Dear Colin, Wanted to send you an e-mail letting you know I have passed NAPLEX (119) and the MPJE for Missouri (89) and Kansas (82)! All on the first try! I went through the cards and posters in the order suggested on the "boot camp study guide" with a few changes here and there to group different topics. For the two weeks leading up to the test I did the math review cards as suggested. I passed NAPLEX then started studying for Missouri MPJE. I gave myself 2 weeks to study. I memorized the cards and the state review sheet, then READ the statues once. The test only took me about 35 minutes to complete and I passed! I then started studying for Kansas MPJE. Once again I gave myself 2 weeks to study and followed the same routine as for Missouri. Once again, I was finished in about 40 minutes and I passed! I wanted to thank you VERY much for the help your cards and materials provided me. I was impressed with the fact that you provided your personal cell phone number in case I needed to contact you for any reason. So excited to have the tests completed! Thank you again!
D G, Kansas City, MO
Editors Note: Congratulations Diana. I am convinced that using the "Boot camp study guide" is the route to success. I would welcome you to our ProntoPass Hall of Fame should you choose to do so. Thanks for your feedback.


Hi! I ordered pronto pass in May 2013. I was wondering if you could send me the new quick cards. Thanks! Caitlin P.S. I passed my NAPLEX with a 122 thanks to Pronto Pass! Sent from my iPhone
C D, Chicopee, MA
Editors Note: We provide service for one year from the date of purchase or until you pass the test, whichever comes first. Unfortunately we could not provide further service to this client. 


Fyi, I passed the exam for FL MPJE. Thanks
D A, Indian Trail, NC


Hello Buzz, I PASSED my MPJE New York!!!!! Thank you soooooooo much for your advice & all the review materials I bought from Pronto Pass!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!! I am always grateful for all the help from PRONTO PASS!!!!!!


Dear Colin, I ended up getting a 114 [on Naplex]. Which I'm ok with. I was hoping to do a little better, but I'll take it. I thought the study materials were really good. I particularly appreciated the audio cd. I listened to it in my car while driving to and from school and work. I liked that it gave a good patient perspective of things and good examples. Some of the answers I couldn't understand at times and the volumes were a little off at times too, but overall I think it was a great tool. It may be getting to the point of needing updating with guideline changes and new drugs coming out. I understand that would be a big undertaking and the current version is still very valuable. I also think the posters were organized well. I hope to keep using the cards as a study tool as a practitioner. Overall I give the program two thumbs up and would recommend it to my friends. Thanks for all your help studying.
B R, Peoria, AZ
Editors Note: Congratulations on a very good score. The CD has been updated since this student purchased our product. Most students find the CD quizzing on the posters to be the best part of our program.


Hey Colin, I just wanted to let you know that I have completed 8 MPJE tests over the last 4 months. I passed them ALL!! Pronto Pass was an awesome tool and it made studying so much easier. The only state that I had any trouble with was VA. I had to take it 3 times before I passed it. You may want to advise future test takers that the VA test is completely different from any other test they may have taken. I believe your study guide for VA is 31 pages long, which was huge compared to the guides for other states. While the legal aspects are important, the focus for VA should be on the test format itself. VA has 100 test questions and you can go back & forth between questions throughout the exam. The other tests have 90 questions and you cannot go back & forth between questions. VA uses a totally different vendor (IQT testing) from the other computerized tests (Pearson). VA does have unusual laws, but the test format is the trippy part. In addition, I had to travel to take my VA tests (2-3 hours one way all 3 times) because IQT did not have a testing center in the metro Memphis, TN area. (Ridiculous!!) I truly believe the travel aspect affected my testing as well. I wanted to share my success story with you because I know I couldn't have passed all 8 of these exams in such a short period of time without the help of ProntoPass. You are providing a great service. I have told recent pharmacy graduates & seasoned pharmacists who are trying to reciprocate to other states about ProntoPass. Sincerest Thanks, C. T.
C T, Cordova, TN


Colin, I purchased your ProntoPass System for the Pennsylvania MPJE. I felt very prepared for the exam after studying just as you recommended. I received my score this week and am happy to tell you I passed with an 81. Thank You ProntoPass!!! Awesome product! Sincerely,
J B, Kittanning, PA PA
Editors Note: Congratulation and congratulations to Duquesne University, one of my favorite schools.


Recently passed my Texas exam using your tools and am looking forward to passing Alabama! Thanks,
G S, Choudrant, LA
Editors Note: Returning customers are our best endorsement.


Hi colin, I passed my naplex and law on the first try. Your product is a very helpful tool. My favorite was the Poster Quiz CD. Thank you so much!
S M, Beaver Falls PA


Got it [Naplex Combo Order] thanks. You Rock!
M S, Albuquerque, NM


Wanted to let you know I passed my Washington law exam....1st try!! I used your system and studied for two weeks. My only suggestion for future test takers is to pay closer attention to the State Laws vs. Federal. This means getting a bit more in depth with the Washington manual that comes in the package. Maybe read it thoroughly the first time and skim the 2nd time.
C R, Jacksonville, FL
Editors Note: Our directions call for memorizing our study material and then scanning the actual state statutes three times. When you run across a subject that you memorized, slow your scan to a read and understand and then go back to the scan mode when the subject changes. We provide a printed copy of each states actual statutes since scanning them on line does not work. It should take about 3.5 hours to scan 500 pages of legalese. Our method is fast and it works! 


Thank you colin! I passed my NAPLEX and my date for MPJE is the 30th of July! Hope that's enough to study.
S B, Mauldin, SC
Editors Note: For most states, 3 days is enough. Just be sure to follow our directions. 


Hi, Just following up with my MPJE Maryland after purchasing pronto pass. I passed with an 81 on the first try. ProntoPass definitely helped!
C D, Manchester, CT
Editors Note: Hi Christopher. Thanks for sharing the excellent news. Congratulations on joining our successful group of over 10,000 licensed pharmacists. May God bless everything good that your set your heart and hands to accomplish. CEB


Mr. Bayliss, Thank you so much! My special package has finally arrived! Had to run couple of blocks to chase down my mailman bc I didn't hear the doorbell but well worth it. Anne
A N, Grenada, MS


Thanks, I am doing great!! I passed the naplex and law exams
G K, Taylorsville, UT


Colin, My ProntoPass order has arrived. Thank you for your speedy delivery! I have heard great things about your study material and look forward to it helping me pass the NAPLEX. Thanks again, 
W R, Kansas City, MO


Hi Colin, This will be my 3rd time using Prontopass for an exam. I successfully passed my Naplex in 2009 and also the Oregon MPJE a few years later!!! I have a question this time around with the Washington State MPJE. Their website has laws listed as a 622 page PDF. Do I need to skim all of that document? Your suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks,
C R, Coos Bay, OR
Editors Note: Hi Christine. You will get a copy of the actual statutes on paper in your order. Remember, memorize our Q&As then scan the statutes, yes all of them, twice just before your test. Scanning means reading a sentence at a time, not a word at a time. I personally did it for a state with about 500 pages and it took me 3.5 hours. During your scan, when you run across something you have memorized, slow your scan to a read and understand the whole topic and then resume the scan mode with the subject changes. The whole study thing should take two or three hard ,no interruptions, study time. Thanks for being a continuing customer. Comments like yours make my day. PS Scan the statutes on paper, not the PDF provided by the state. On paper works, scanning he PDF does not work!


I just wanted to thank you for the MPJE Study aids. I took the MPJE this past week for Indiana and passed with an 84! Using the quick reference cards and Q&A, as well as reading the Indiana regs as suggested, proved to be a quick and easy way to prepare for the test. After having not taken an exam for over 15 years, this is a study plan and tool that I would highly recommend! Thanks!
T S, Carmel, IN


Just a follow up and thank you...I purchased your Maryland MPJE study guide in April and passed the Maryland MPJE last week with score of 83. On 4/16/13, Colin E. Bayliss wrote: *Thank you for your MPJE order. Good luck in your studies. Please remember after memorizing our study material, then scan the actual statutes on paper twice. Scanning them online does not work! Thanks.*
D S, Staten Island, NY


I love the new [poster quiz] cd! Just got a chance to listen to HIV and MS today. Thanks again!
M E, Colorado Springs, CO
Editors Note: We have updated our poster quiz CD and improved the sound significantly.


I am just taking mpje for 2 states nc and sc. I used your cards for naplex 6 years ago and got a 129 on that test, 20 years after I graduated and took my first naplex exam. I retook it to get licensed in FL and now am moving to NC. Should be a piece of cake after naplex. Mary
M M, Marco Island, FL


Hey Colin, believe it or not, I'm already a licensed pharmacist (we had chatted on the phone last week). I decided to get the package (the price point was a nice lure, I'll admit) because it seemed like a great way to refresh my working knowledge of clinical and general pharmacy. I'm great at comprehension, but not the best memorizer in the world, and so concise flash cards and big-picture posters, especially with mnemonic (Memoronic :D) links definitely appealed to me. (Besides, maybe it will help me pass the Cali test if I decide to go for that license). After having invested almost 100g in my education, spending 400$ or so for a 5 year review seems a decent price to pay to keep me feeling fresh and 'in the game'. Don't worry, I'll definitely let you know how well it serves this purpose once I review it :)
M J, San Antonio Texas


Hi Colin , Just happy to inform you that your Pronto Pass did the trick yet again , I took the mpje on 17th April, and got a passing score yesterday.I got 77 ,but that is just a tiny bit more than what the board wants!. Thank you , Also, wanted to let you know , I studied nothing other than the cards and material you sent me and read the south Carolina statute twice the way you recommended. Thank you and your team for saving me and so many others time and money. Regards,
T P, kWindsor, ON Canada


I passed my MPJE-NY. Just found out the result today. The study materials really made my studying easy. Thank you!
N A, Staten Island, NY


Hello I just wanted to let you know that I recently passed the North Carolina MPJE and wanted to give you feedback. The flash cards & state summary sheet were obviously very helpful. Just wanted to share that. Thanks
D J, Canastota, NY


CEB, I know I took awhile but I did just take the IA MPJE and passed with a 81. I did use the flash cards as well as a few other study guides. Thanks for your assistance in obtaining my Iowa pharmacy license.
S L, piscataway, NJ
Editors Note: Since this student ordered, we now enclose the actual state statutes with each MPJE Order. No other study material is needed. Just follow our directions: Memorize our study material then scan the actual state statutes. During your scan, when you run across something you have memorized, slow your scan to a read and understand then go back to the scan mode when the subject changes. This should take about 3 1/2 hours. Do this twice just before your test. With the exception of a couple of states, all you need is a couple of good study days to pass this test


I received the package! I was not expecting to the shipment to come so fast; I ordered Thursday at 2 pm and it arrived Friday around 8:30 am! Thank you for the fast service!
K A, Pittsburgh, PA


Hi Buzz, All praise belongs to God alone, the master of the Universe and the master of my soul. I am very pleased to inform you that I passed NAPLEX with a score of 93. I dont need to tell you again how bad my situation was. It was my 4th attempt and the scores of my previous attempts were big disappointments. I had given up on myself but not on God's help. And God did help me by showing you as a light at the end of the tunnel. After my wife took your training and passed on her first attempt, my decision to come to you became firmer and with a little push from my wife, I left home to come to Ohio. And although it took me about 6 months to get ready for the test again, I do not regret even one moment I spent in Ohio. I have to admit though, that I missed my family, my wife and kids too much. But the pressure of getting sign offs and the excitement of studying and the pleasure of learning made it all easy to stay there for that long period. I want to thank you once again for your guidance and your super strong belief in your students' abilities to change their own lives. I thank you for accepting me as your student without which, I do not know if I would have passed this mammoth test. I hope students who struggle like me will understand the power of proactive study which you reinvented and come to you to help themselves. God bless you and I pray that He give you a long life and show you, me and everyone, the right path and keep us on it. Thank you, Moiz
M , Grand Blanc, MI
Editors Note: Thank you Mois for your feedback. You did good. You prayed hard and studied hard. I am proud of your efforts and results. Praise God! “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” ~ St. Augustine 


I wanted you to know I took my Oregon exam last week and passed with a 91%. I could not have done this without your study guides. Thank you!
M D, Kennewick, WA


Thank-you so much for providing me with the study materials. I have been a licensed pharmacist for 23 years but find it necessary to have multiple licenses now that there is becoming such a glut of pharmacists in the Las Vegas area..... as well as the economy being bad. Multiple state licenses should also give a person the flexibility to work/travel to see other things. Thanks again, Debbie
D D, Las Vegas, NV


Hello CEB. This is S. V. I wanted to let you know that I finally passed both the NAPLEX (87) and MPJE exams (76). I am so happy to have finally accomplished this goal!! Thank you and your staff for all of the help!!
S V, Orlando FL


Hello CEB!! I wanted to let you know that I passed the NAPLEX exam with an 87. Thanks a lot Buzz!
S V, Orlando FL


I passed back in may of 2012 and I can't remember my exact score. Around 120 I believe? I studied the material for about 2 weeks and took the exam. I mainly just used the flash cards and brand generic poster. Thank you. 
P T, Seattle, WA
Editors Note: Some people are really, really smart. Not like most of us who have to study long and hard. I invited this student into our hall of fame but they did not send us a copy of the actual score sheet to verify results!


Thanks Colin, I received the [MPJE] materials. I've used ProntoPass for a couple other states in the past and have had great results! So happy to have y'alls guidance again. I'll let you know how it goes!
M L, Minneapolis, MN


Thank you Pronto Pass. I did exactly as you said and passed. Couldn't have done it without you! [MPJE - NC]
C F, Midlothian, VA


couple days of studying...passed no problem [MPJE - CO]
B H, San Jose, CA


Hi Colin, I would like to let you know, I ordered the Naplex review from you a few months ago, after failing the Naplex twice. I used your cards, posters, and CD and passed!! That is why I ordered the MPJE study materials from you too. Thank you!
M K, Salt Lake City, UT


Dear sir, Thank you very much for supporting me all the way. I hope you carry on the job of helping the future test takers like me. Thanks again and more power! Kind regards,
F P, Jersey City NJ


Just to let you know, I took the mpje in montana scored an 84 percent on the test. Thanks
B G, Missoula, MT


Hello Buzz, How have you been? I'm working now as a consultant pharmacist because of you. I passed the NAPLEX & MPJE NJ almost 2 years ago because of your words of encouragement. I almost gave up on becoming a pharmacist . God Bless you,Buzz. I owe you my pharmacist license,Buzz...
D P, Toms River NJ
Editors Note: Darlene is not a pharmacist because of me....she is a pharmacist because she studied hard.....with encouragement from me. But, I do appreciate her kind encourages me.


Dear Buzz Just got my Naplex Results - 102! I found prontopass to be extremely helpful. I followed the system just as you designed it. I folded and memorized the Quickcards, memorized the Posters, and then did the math practice. I found the quizzing tapes very helpful. Unfortunately, I did not have audio for many of the posters. Your quizzing on the phone in December was an eye opener to me as I realized I did not know the doses and posters very well. Thanks to that eye opener, I spent another 4 weeks studying hard. Thank you for your program - I am thrilled to have passsed. I am a 49 year old who has not practiced in over 15 years except for working as a tech for the past 8 months. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Kathy
K S, San Clemente, CA


Hi Prontopass team, I am happy to inform u that I passed my Naplex. Your ProntoPass posters really helped me a lot. I am glad I used your material and especially your math cards. Thanks for letting me keep the listening CD for one more month. I am going to post the CD this week. Thank you for the material. Thank you so much for everything. Regards
N S, Sunnyvale, CA


My apologies for the delayed response. I passed. Have no clue what percentage, and don’t really care. ;-) Thank you for your wonderful product. I will be sure to recommend it as we begin admitting students to our new pharmacy school this fall. 
P C, Fort Worth TX


I wanted to let you know that I passed my NY law exam! Thanks for your help!
E. M, Winston Salem, NC


I have used ProntoPass for my last 5 states and passed them all, so I am hooked.
D M, Livonia, MI
Editors Note: Deborah works at a infusion pharmacy that serves many states.


I passed both the Hawaii and Arizona MPJE ---- Thanks so much!!
S P, Toledo, OH

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MPJE Study

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